Default JPEG scanning quality is decreased to lessen resulting file size, can be overidden by registry setting “ScanJpegQuality”.Ĭhanges in Version 15.85 (March 3, 2023):.Reduced file size for certain chrome produced PDFs when they used the splitPDF parameter parsing tag.Fixes to file appending, where it failed on some files.Fix to make pdfMachine chrome / edge extension work with latest chrome / edge updates (again!).If you use this parameter, please upgrade to avoid unwanted and unpredictable behaviour.Ĭhanges in Version 15.92 (April 30, 2023):Ĭhanges in Version 15.90 (April 11, 2023):Ĭhanges in Version 15.88 (March 28, 2023): Fixed memory corruption issue that sometimes occurred when using splitPDF parameter.Fixed Document Security issue causing pdfMachine to crash.Stopped the “A PDF viewer was not detected” message from appearing.Fixed AES encryption issue causing pdfMachine to crash under certain circumstances.Multiple Print Profiles / Multiple Printers.PDF files can be optimized and are often smaller than conventional document formats. Users can magnify documents up to 800% without the loss of clarity in text or graphics.

Colour and Size: PDF files enable sharp, colour-precise printing on most printers with precise onscreen colour match regardless of monitor brand.This makes for easy use within an intranet or website. These files can then be saved for off-line use or printed. Browsers: PDF files can be viewed within your Browser.Searchable: PDF has the ability to store text in a searchable form.PDF Technology: PDF format is the best document format for long-term digital archival.Also you can view those PDF documents on operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, and Unix variants. You can open, read and print them by many free PDF readers available on the web. PDF files preserve documents formats independent of software, hardware, or operating system used to generate the original file. Then click “print”, select the “Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it! PDF documents generated by pdfMachine, when printed or viewed, maintain the integrity of all formatting in the original document. Once you have installed the PDF writer, open document that you want to convert. This pdf writer converts a print stream from an application directly into a PDF. PDF or Portable Document Format is rapidly becoming the defacto standard for publishing on the web. If you know how to print from an application then you can use this program! PDF enabled software is a vital component for every desktop. PdfMachine is simple and fast, with no complicated options and is a native Windows print driver.