You can use the PowerShell scripts shown here to remotely uninstall programs or run them on domain computers using SCCM or GPO logon scripts.

Executing (\\COMPName\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber=" The command calls an app ( vCenter Converter) uninstallation WMI method through the Windows Installer. You may need to reinstall it again after the next major update to Windows 10, if Microsoft decides to keep removing programs during upgrades.Wmic product where name="VMware vCenter Converter Standalone" call uninstall /nointeractive However, even if the latest version a program conflicts with Windows, you’ll be able to reinstall it. You’ll probably be downloading a newer version of the program than the one that Windows uninstalled, so it may just work without any hassle. In most cases, this will involve re-downloading the program from its developer’s website. Image Credit: rodimov/Shutterstock Readers like you help support MUO. If you run into this problem and you want to get the program back, just reinstall it. Home Windows 12 Unnecessary Windows Programs and Apps You Should Uninstall By Ben Stegner Updated Wondering which Windows apps to uninstall Here are several unnecessary Windows 10 and 11 apps, programs, and bloatware you should remove.

However, the Microsoft Services Agreement that applies to Windows does explicitly state that Microsoft may remove access to software or hardware. That’s why we can only piece this together from what people are reporting on social media and forums. We also haven’t seen them issue a statement to any other media outlet or a blog post on the subject. Microsoft hasn’t directly commented on this. In fact, Microsoft specifically declined to comment when asked about this by VentureBeat. Confusingly, it seems like the Windows update removed these programs from some computers but not others. In some cases, people even reported that it removed PDF viewers and antivirus programs (perhaps outdated ones). Many people claim it removed hardware drivers like Intel Rapid Storage Technology and AMD Catalyst Control Center, too. When Windows 10’s first big update arrived, many people on Reddit noticed a variety of programs were being silently removed–most of which were hardware-related utilities. People have reported that it removed the popular Speccy, CPU-Z, HWMonitor, and CCleaner programs from many people’s systems. However, Windows doesn’t provide any notice that it’s removed a program–the program will just appear to vanish from your system. Windows can clean them up and make sure they don’t cause problems.

It looks like this feature is designed to help protect the average Windows user, who might have outdated programs installed. If this happens, the “All of your files are exactly where you left them” screen will appear like normal–this screen always appears during major updates–but Windows will actually have removed some of your program files. If a program is known to cause crashes, bugs, or otherwise conflict with Windows, Windows may remove it to keep your system stable. Windows may remove programs during an update for compatibility reasons.